Laboratory of Diplomacy, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, February, 19th 2020 — The Diplomacy’s student study groups held a weekly discussion in Laboratory of Diplomacy that led by socio-cultural cluster. This Discussion is the way to encourage democratic habits and can also improve the student’s intellectual.
Because this weekly discussion is an billingual language, the discussion had to be in English and Bahasa Indonesia but mostly the participants had to speak in English. Cluster of socio-cultural brought the theme about the social culture of North Korea. The moderator in this discussion is Sayyidul Mubin (Say) the staff of social and cluster on the organization. He is also the student in international relations in the UPN Veteran Yogyakarta.
The discussion’s time started at 13.30. The moderator started to open the discussion by introducing hisself and the rules of the discussion. The discussion had two part, first part is the discussion from the participants. The participants give an opinion and question about the video and the moderator gave the opportunity to the other participants to answer or give their own arguments. The second part is the small group discussions, each group contain 2 persons. This group will dicuss and show their argument about the question from the moderator of the discussion.
After inform the rules, the cluster want to get the curiousity and full attention from the participants of the discussion by watching the vlog from Lithuanian travel vlogger “Jacob Laukaitis” to open the discussion. After the video end, the discussion begin. The anthusiasm from the participants was shown after the moderator started to open the discussion forum. Almost all of them raise their hand and want to give their comment about the video.

The discussion start from Oriza’s argument about North Korea. Oriza said that “a lot of things that we already think about North Korea is not always be like that, this video give us new perspective about that mysterious country. And I love to see the video that informing us the things that we don’t know about North Korea. Even if the video only took in Pyongyang, the capital city of North Korea” . The other participants also use their opportunity to tell their opinion and argument. The discussion was on fire after Rezal gave the question about the posibility of North Korea to be democratic country. All the participant gave their pros and cons.
After the first part of the group discussion, the moderator gave the instruction to make a small group discussion. There are 3 questions from moderator. First question is why Kim Jong Un Killed his Family ?. second question is about the group opinion about strange interaction beetween people in North Korea ?. And the last question was about the song for Kim Jong Un in Kindergarten . They had to make their answer for 10 minute and show it to the big group.
Because the limitation of the discussion’s time this part only gave 3 group to speak. All of the group’s answer is almost the same, most of them use the power balance theory to answer the first question. But the two last question’s answer was about the people afraid to interact with strange people from foreign country. Because that is the mysterious things about North Korea.
The conclusion of the discussion, we found a new information about North Korean citizen’s life. Their life as a citizen that lead by their supreme leader Kim Jon Un is very mysterious. Beside that, the world was very curious about their life, their culture and their social life. They live in a isolated country but seemed so happy in the video. However this discussion gave us a new journey that will add our knowledge about North Korea. (Socio-cultural cluster,2020)